Article: Uneekor EYE XO Vs. EYE XO2

Uneekor EYE XO Vs. EYE XO2
Uneekor finally released a new version of the original EYE XO this year and it is a nice upgrades from the original. With an extra infrared camera and 300% larger hitting zone, it provides a excellent user experience!
Comparison | Uneekor EYE XO 2 | Uneekor EYE XO |
Date of first release | February 2023 | Early 2020 |
Price | $14,000 | $10,000 |
Included warranty | 12 months | 12 months |
Additional recurring costs | No required recurring costs. | No required recurring costs. |
Protective add-on requirements | NONE | NONE |
Software included in base price | VIEW Range software for PC | VIEW Range software for PC |
Quality and features of included software | The VIEW software is excellent. Gives you a very easy user interface and allows to create many accounts and sessions. has the ability to integrate their Swing Optix cameras, give face impact location (club stickers required), and a really cool slow motion up close video of the club making contact from above. |
The VIEW software is excellent. Gives you a very easy user interface and allows to create many accounts and sessions. has the ability to integrate their Swing Optix cameras, give face impact location (club stickers required), and a really cool slow motion up close video of the club making contact from above. |
Portability | Not portable. Ceiling mounted unit 3.5 feet in front of the hitting position and needs to be mounted 9'-10' from the floor. | Not portable. Ceiling mounted unit 3.5 feet in front of the hitting position and needs to be mounted 9'-10' from the floor. |
Battery | Plugged into power at all times. | Plugged into power at all times. |
Tracking technology | Photometric (cameras take at least 2 pictures of the ball during the first 12-18 inches of ball flight), similar to the Foresight GC2 and GCQuad | Photometric (cameras take at least 2 pictures of the ball during the first 12-18 inches of ball flight), similar to the Foresight GC2 and GCQuad |
Ball data points provided | Ball Speed, Side & Back Spin, Side Angle & Total, Launch Angle, Angle of Descent/Land Angle, Flight Time, Distance to Apex, Carry, Run and Total Distance | Ball Speed, Side & Back Spin, Side Angle & Total, Launch Angle, Angle of Descent/Land Angle, Flight Time, Distance to Apex, Carry, Run and Total Distance |
Club data points provided | Club Data*: Club Speed, Dynamic Loft, Angle of Attack, Smash Factor, Club Path, Club Face Angle, Club Face to Path, Club Lie Angle, Club Loft Angle, Impact Point Vertical, Impact Point Horizontal *EYE XO Club Stickers Required |
Club Data*: Club Speed, Dynamic Loft, Angle of Attack, Smash Factor, Club Path, Club Face Angle, Club Face to Path, Club Lie Angle, Club Loft Angle, Impact Point Vertical, Impact Point Horizontal *EYE XO Club Stickers Required |
Connectivity with app | No app. PC required and hard wired with CAT6 cable | No app. PC required and hard wired with CAT6 cable |
Unit placement | 3.5' in front of hitting position and 9'-10' above the ground | 3.5' in front of hitting position and 9'-10' above the ground |
Ball placement, marking, and orientation | Hitting zone is 21"x28" | Hitting zone is 16"x12" |
Ease of alignment | Very easy alignment. During initial set up, you will collaborate a hitting location and then you will not have to do this again. | Very easy alignment. During initial set up, you will collaborate a hitting location and then you will not have to do this again. |
Shot delay from strike to seeing ball flight | Instant ball flight | Instant ball flight |
Suitability for indoor use | Excellent, this unit cannot be used outdoors so it is strictly designed for indoor play. | Excellent, this unit cannot be used outdoors so it is strictly designed for indoor play. |
Suitability for outdoor use | Can't be used outdoors. Ceiling mounted. | Can't be used outdoors. Ceiling mounted. |
Multi-user support | Users have access to practically unlimited Sessions and users | Users have access to practically unlimited Sessions and users |
Left-hand / Right-hand mixed use | No need to move the unit for LH/RH use, as long as room has sufficient width for players to swing from each side (minimum 14-15 feet). With the larger hitting zone, you can use in a smaller room if needing to hit off center | No need to move the unit for LH/RH use, as long as room has sufficient width for players to swing from each side (minimum 14-15 feet) |
Accessing your shot history | VIEW software comes with the ability to save shot history for unlimited sessions. You can create range sessions for each club and name them as you please. | VIEW software comes with the ability to save shot history for unlimited sessions. You can create range sessions for each club and name them as you please. |
Frequency of bad reads | No-reads are rare, perhaps 1 out of every 50-60 shots. Very accurate with chipping and putting. | No-reads are rare, perhaps 1 out of every 50-60 shots. Very accurate with chipping and putting. |
Accuracy of ball flight indoors | Very good. | Very good. |
Accuracy of ball flight outdoors | Cannot be used outdoors | Cannot be used outdoors |
Accuracy of putting on a simulator | Excellent, camera based launch monitors tend to do better in putting and chipping. With three infrared cameras, accuracy has been even more improved. | Excellent, camera based launch monitors tend to do better in putting and chipping. |
Accuracy of chipping on a simulator | Excellent | Excellent |
Supported sim software | TGC19, GSPro, E6 are all supported. | TGC19, GSPro, E6 are all supported. |
Hardware reliability | Maybe a little early to tell. But, with this being a ceiling mounted unit, it is very rare for these to get damaged. Only real risk is a very high flop shot or crowned driver with a high tee. | Excellent, with this being a ceiling mounted unit, it is very rare for these to get damaged. Only real risk is a very high flop shot or crowned driver with a high tee. |
Company support | Excellent, they are willing to go above and beyond for their customers. They will even give you the option where they can remote access your computer and fix ant issues you may have. | Excellent, they are willing to go above and beyond for their customers. They will even give you the option where they can remote access your computer and fix ant issues you may have. |
Customer Satisfaction | Excellent record of satisfied customers since the beginning of 2023. I have not seen very many of these returned. | Excellent record of satisfied customers. Very few have issues with their unit. |
Re-sale value | A little too early to tell, but I would predict that these will sell for the typical $1,000-$2,000 under retail value. |
These will sell for about $1,000-$2,000 under retail value. |
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Ron Hornbaker, Founder & CEO
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